The new Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of chaos in almost every aspect of our lives. It’s safe to say that this event has changed everyone’s perception of what’s important in life and how to define our priorities. Across the globe, people have started to pay more attention to their health, as fear of catching the virus has started to increase. As a result, it came as no surprise when the BBC announced that COVID-19 has caused the highest numbers of smokers to quit in the last decade.
One study shows that around one million people in the UK have quit smoking since the pandemic hit. This study went hand in hand with an ongoing campaign funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, which aims to determine smokers to quit. This campaign is heavily supported by Dr. Ruth Sharrock, who insists that tobacco smokers can drastically improve their health and their immune systems almost immediately if they stopped smoking. You can check out the campaign’s message by listening to the short radio advert here.
Why is Smoking so Dangerous, especially in This Situation?
It is well-known that tobacco smoking is by far the leading cause of preventable illnesses, causing cancer, heart and lung diseases. Because of that fact, government advice says that smokers may be at a higher risk to suffer more severe COVID symptoms than non-smokers. Public Health England’s guidance states: “There is strong evidence that smoking tobacco is generally associated with an increased risk of developing respiratory viral infections. Smoking causes damage to the lungs and airways and harms the immune system, reducing your ability to fight infections.”
We understand that the Coronavirus pandemic has left some people feeling anxious, stressed, worried or even desperate. Therefore we know that it may be hard to deal with all that while trying to quit smoking, but you need to understand the importance of it and the benefits it could have for your health, especially in this situation. The good news is that, according to, your body begins the healing process within the first few weeks after quitting. To see all the benefits, check out these facts by
How can vaping help?
Vaping can help you quit smoking by making your journey a little easier. Even though willpower is the most important in this process, experts believe that the “cold turkey” approach of quitting suddenly with no aids is the least effective method, with only 3-5% of the people who try this method manage to quit smoking successfully.
By replacing regular cigarettes with e-cigarettes, you are cutting your exposure to tar and carbon monoxide, which are two of the most dangerous substances in tobacco smoke. Instead, when vaping you inhale the nicotine in vapour form. Many people think that nicotine is what’s harmful for your health. In fact, although it is highly addictive, nicotine is relatively harmless. Essentially, it’s the thousands of other chemicals present in tobacco smoke from normal cigarettes.
E-cigarettes (vapes) are currently the most popular stop smoking aid in England. With an estimated 2.5 million users, over half (51%) have stopped smoking completely. Now let’s be clear, we are not saying that vaping comes risk-free, but Public Health England agrees that it is at least 95% safer than smoking. Vaping can help you manage your nicotine cravings without all the additional chemicals in tobacco smoke. To get the most benefit out of it, make sure you’re only using it as much as you need and with the right strength of nicotine in your e-liquid. As the NHS advises, in order to get the full benefit from vaping, you need to stop smoking cigarettes completely.
If you have any other questions about how you can stop smoking with the help of e-cigarettes, you can contact our specialist team using the chat button in the lower right-hadn corner. You’ll be able to chat with us in real-time, offering you the help and advice you need.
COVID-19 and the Impact on Smoking
How did COVID-19 Impact Smokers’ Behaviour?
The new Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of chaos in almost every aspect of our lives. It’s safe to say that this event has changed everyone’s perception of what’s important in life and how to define our priorities. Across the globe, people have started to pay more attention to their health, as fear of catching the virus has started to increase. As a result, it came as no surprise when the BBC announced that COVID-19 has caused the highest numbers of smokers to quit in the last decade.
One study shows that around one million people in the UK have quit smoking since the pandemic hit. This study went hand in hand with an ongoing campaign funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, which aims to determine smokers to quit. This campaign is heavily supported by Dr. Ruth Sharrock, who insists that tobacco smokers can drastically improve their health and their immune systems almost immediately if they stopped smoking. You can check out the campaign’s message by listening to the short radio advert here.
Why is Smoking so Dangerous, especially in This Situation?
It is well-known that tobacco smoking is by far the leading cause of preventable illnesses, causing cancer, heart and lung diseases. Because of that fact, government advice says that smokers may be at a higher risk to suffer more severe COVID symptoms than non-smokers. Public Health England’s guidance states: “There is strong evidence that smoking tobacco is generally associated with an increased risk of developing respiratory viral infections. Smoking causes damage to the lungs and airways and harms the immune system, reducing your ability to fight infections.”
We understand that the Coronavirus pandemic has left some people feeling anxious, stressed, worried or even desperate. Therefore we know that it may be hard to deal with all that while trying to quit smoking, but you need to understand the importance of it and the benefits it could have for your health, especially in this situation. The good news is that, according to, your body begins the healing process within the first few weeks after quitting. To see all the benefits, check out these facts by
How can vaping help?
Vaping can help you quit smoking by making your journey a little easier. Even though willpower is the most important in this process, experts believe that the “cold turkey” approach of quitting suddenly with no aids is the least effective method, with only 3-5% of the people who try this method manage to quit smoking successfully.
By replacing regular cigarettes with e-cigarettes, you are cutting your exposure to tar and carbon monoxide, which are two of the most dangerous substances in tobacco smoke. Instead, when vaping you inhale the nicotine in vapour form. Many people think that nicotine is what’s harmful for your health. In fact, although it is highly addictive, nicotine is relatively harmless. Essentially, it’s the thousands of other chemicals present in tobacco smoke from normal cigarettes.
E-cigarettes (vapes) are currently the most popular stop smoking aid in England. With an estimated 2.5 million users, over half (51%) have stopped smoking completely. Now let’s be clear, we are not saying that vaping comes risk-free, but Public Health England agrees that it is at least 95% safer than smoking. Vaping can help you manage your nicotine cravings without all the additional chemicals in tobacco smoke. To get the most benefit out of it, make sure you’re only using it as much as you need and with the right strength of nicotine in your e-liquid. As the NHS advises, in order to get the full benefit from vaping, you need to stop smoking cigarettes completely.
If you have any other questions about how you can stop smoking with the help of e-cigarettes, you can contact our specialist team using the chat button in the lower right-hadn corner. You’ll be able to chat with us in real-time, offering you the help and advice you need.