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Disposable Vape Ban Frequently Asked Questions:
What Is A Disposable Vape?
A disposable vape is any vaping device that is single use i.e. you use it once and then throw the whole unit away. They have built in, non removable batteries, and are prefilled with liquid in a sealed unit that you’re unable to remove and refill.
The official legislation regarding the disposable vape ban states that a disposable vape is either:
a. Not refillable
b. Not rechargeable
c. Not refillable and not re chargeable
When Will I Not Be Able To Buy Disposables Vapes?
The Disposable vape ban will ban all single use vapes from the 1st of June 2025.
Why Is The Ban On Disposable Vapes Next Year And Not Now?
The reason that the disposable vape ban is not happening straight away is because retailers and suppliers need time to sell off all remaining stock. The financial impact on businesses and suppliers would be huge if the ban was implemented with little warning. Legislation also takes time to pass, it’s not something that can be implemented instantly.
Why Are Disposables Vapes Being Banned?
Vapes were originally intended as a tool to quit smoking for people who previously smoked cigarettes. Due to the rise in popularity of vaping and the convenience of disposables, more and more people who have never smoked are picking up vapes, and the government believe that if they ban disposables vapes, the number of new vapers will decrease.
There is also a huge environmental impact due to the single use lithium ion batteries in these disposables, that are often only used for 1 day and then discarded. Defra (The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs), estimate that in 2024 almost 5 million disposable vapes per week were thrown into household waste bins. Batteries thrown into household waste also cause fires in bin lorries and waste processing centres. The ban will help to protect the environment, and impact the perceived convenience of vaping that seems to be attracting a younger and younger audience.
What Other Vaping Products Are Being Banned?
At the moment, none that we know of. It’s only disposables that are facing this ban and all other products will be available for you to enjoy indefinitely.
Can I Import Disposable Vapes From Other Countries Instead?
The short answer is no. If you attempt to import vapes from another country they will most likely be confiscated by customs on the way in. This will leave you without vapes and without your money. There are so many disposable vape alternatives on the market today, that trying to import single use disposable vapes would be very cost ineffective and ultimately not worth the risk.
Can I Buy Disposable Vapes When I’m On Holliday?
If disposable vapes are still legal for sale in a county you’re visiting, you can purchase and use these, but you aren’t allowed you bring them back into the country.
What Is The Environmental Impact Of Disposable Vapes?
Disposable vapes create huge amounts of waste. According to Greenpeace, the number of disposable vapes getting thrown each year could fill 22 football pitches (1). Disposables are also made from single use plastics, which take 20 to 500 years to decompose. Even then the plastic never really decomposes completely, and instead breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces which then end up in our waterways, affecting all living beings who consume that water.
Because disposable vapes have built in non removeable batteries, they are extremely difficult to recycle. Even if you as the consumer take your disposables to battery recycling facilities, there is no guarantee that they will actually be broken apart and recycled correctly. The batteries inside these vapes also cause huge fire risks in the bin lorries that collect rubbish, and at the waste processing plants.
Disposable vapes also waste valuable materials including lithium, which is a precious metal already in short supply. Lithium batteries are completely re chargeable (up to 300 times), but manufacturers of disposable vapes don’t add charging ports to disposables. The amount of lithium thrown away in 2022 (40 Tonnes) could have provided enough materials to make 5,000 electric car batteries.
Once these disposables have been discarded, harmful chemicals can and will leach out. Battery acid and nicotine leak out into the surrounding environment causing irreversible damage to local flora and fauna. Nicotine is also toxic to wildlife and can cause poisoning.
Will Vape Flavours Be Banned?
The disposable vape ban does not restrict or impact the flavours of vape liquids you’re using, however there are still talks of these being more tightly regulated in the future. As of December 2024 when this blog post was published, there is no official legislation on vape flavours. You are still free to purchase flavoured vape liquids for your refillable kits.
Will I Get In Trouble If I’m Caught With A Disposable Vape?
Not necessarily. The new legislation prevents the supply of disposable vapes via sales or other means, and not simply the possession. However if you are suspected to be supplying these disposable vapes, even if you are an individual and not part of a company, you could still face fines.
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Disposable Vape Ban 2025 Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the titles to expand and see the answers.
Disposable Vape Ban Frequently Asked Questions:
What Is A Disposable Vape?
A disposable vape is any vaping device that is single use i.e. you use it once and then throw the whole unit away. They have built in, non removable batteries, and are prefilled with liquid in a sealed unit that you’re unable to remove and refill.
The official legislation regarding the disposable vape ban states that a disposable vape is either:
a. Not refillable
b. Not rechargeable
c. Not refillable and not re chargeable
When Will I Not Be Able To Buy Disposables Vapes?
The Disposable vape ban will ban all single use vapes from the 1st of June 2025.
Why Is The Ban On Disposable Vapes Next Year And Not Now?
The reason that the disposable vape ban is not happening straight away is because retailers and suppliers need time to sell off all remaining stock. The financial impact on businesses and suppliers would be huge if the ban was implemented with little warning. Legislation also takes time to pass, it’s not something that can be implemented instantly.
Why Are Disposables Vapes Being Banned?
Vapes were originally intended as a tool to quit smoking for people who previously smoked cigarettes. Due to the rise in popularity of vaping and the convenience of disposables, more and more people who have never smoked are picking up vapes, and the government believe that if they ban disposables vapes, the number of new vapers will decrease.
There is also a huge environmental impact due to the single use lithium ion batteries in these disposables, that are often only used for 1 day and then discarded. Defra (The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs), estimate that in 2024 almost 5 million disposable vapes per week were thrown into household waste bins. Batteries thrown into household waste also cause fires in bin lorries and waste processing centres. The ban will help to protect the environment, and impact the perceived convenience of vaping that seems to be attracting a younger and younger audience.
What Other Vaping Products Are Being Banned?
At the moment, none that we know of. It’s only disposables that are facing this ban and all other products will be available for you to enjoy indefinitely.
Can I Import Disposable Vapes From Other Countries Instead?
The short answer is no. If you attempt to import vapes from another country they will most likely be confiscated by customs on the way in. This will leave you without vapes and without your money. There are so many disposable vape alternatives on the market today, that trying to import single use disposable vapes would be very cost ineffective and ultimately not worth the risk.
Can I Buy Disposable Vapes When I’m On Holliday?
If disposable vapes are still legal for sale in a county you’re visiting, you can purchase and use these, but you aren’t allowed you bring them back into the country.
What Is The Environmental Impact Of Disposable Vapes?
Disposable vapes create huge amounts of waste. According to Greenpeace, the number of disposable vapes getting thrown each year could fill 22 football pitches (1). Disposables are also made from single use plastics, which take 20 to 500 years to decompose. Even then the plastic never really decomposes completely, and instead breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces which then end up in our waterways, affecting all living beings who consume that water.
Because disposable vapes have built in non removeable batteries, they are extremely difficult to recycle. Even if you as the consumer take your disposables to battery recycling facilities, there is no guarantee that they will actually be broken apart and recycled correctly. The batteries inside these vapes also cause huge fire risks in the bin lorries that collect rubbish, and at the waste processing plants.
Disposable vapes also waste valuable materials including lithium, which is a precious metal already in short supply. Lithium batteries are completely re chargeable (up to 300 times), but manufacturers of disposable vapes don’t add charging ports to disposables. The amount of lithium thrown away in 2022 (40 Tonnes) could have provided enough materials to make 5,000 electric car batteries.
Once these disposables have been discarded, harmful chemicals can and will leach out. Battery acid and nicotine leak out into the surrounding environment causing irreversible damage to local flora and fauna. Nicotine is also toxic to wildlife and can cause poisoning.
Will Vape Flavours Be Banned?
The disposable vape ban does not restrict or impact the flavours of vape liquids you’re using, however there are still talks of these being more tightly regulated in the future. As of December 2024 when this blog post was published, there is no official legislation on vape flavours. You are still free to purchase flavoured vape liquids for your refillable kits.
Will I Get In Trouble If I’m Caught With A Disposable Vape?
Not necessarily. The new legislation prevents the supply of disposable vapes via sales or other means, and not simply the possession. However if you are suspected to be supplying these disposable vapes, even if you are an individual and not part of a company, you could still face fines.
What Can I Vape Instead Of Disposables?
This is something that we’ve heavily researched here at You can find our disposable vapes alternative page here, our blog on the best refillable pod vape kits here, and our blog on the best prefilled pod vape kits here.
What Will And Won’t Be Included In The Ban?
Banned: Single use disposable vapes such as Elf Bars, Crystal Bars, and anything else that is intended to be used once and then disposed of.
Anything that comes under the definitions listed below will be banned:
a. Not refillable
b. Not rechargeable
c. Not refillable and not re chargeable
Not Banned: Pod vape kits like the ones outlined in our best refillable pod vape kit blog , prefilled pod vape kits in our best prefilled pod vape kits blog, and any kit that can be re charged and/or reused by purchasing replacement parts (such as pods).
Where Can I Find The Official Legislation?
You can view it here on the site.
Are Disposable Vapes Being Banned In Wales?
Yes, disposable vapes will also be banned in Wales in June 2025.
Are Disposable Vapes Being Banned In Scotland?
Yes, disposable vapes will also be banned in Scotland in June 2025.
Are Disposable Vapes Being Banned In Northern Ireland?
Yes, disposable vapes will also be banned in Northern Ireland in April 2025, 2 months before England, Wales, and Scotland.