CBD was first isolated from the cannabis plant in 1940 by an American chemist named Roger Adam but was quickly disregarded because it didn’t have the same psychoactive effects that THC has. As the years have passed and CBD has made it into the mainstream as a completely legal alternative for cannabis, people have started to recognise the potential health benefits when taking CBD. This led to a huge boom in the interest for CBD with the market growing from £300 million in 2019 to £700 million in 2021. It’s projected that by this year CBD will surpass £1 billion in market value.
When it comes to the science and the evidence, there’s still a lot we don’t know due to CBD being under researched. We have shared everything that we do know below, and if you have any further questions please get in touch with us via the live chat in the bottom right hand corner or email us at helpers@vape.co.uk.
CBD Frequently asked Questions
What Is CBD?
CBD – or Cannabidiol – is a compound found in and derived from the cannabis plant. It’s one of 113 identified cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, along with THC. All of the THC has been removed from CBD (almost completely depending on the type of CBD) so you won’t feel any kind of high. Broad spectrum and full spectrum CBD will contain 0.2% THC or less, and CBD isolate will contain 0% THC.
THC has been proven as a treatment for epilepsy and is used for lots of other medical conditions, however there is insufficient evidence to say that CBD is effective for the same, or other conditions.
What Does CBD Stand For?
What Does CBD Do?
Many personal users of CBD claim they feel relief from pain and from mental health issues such as anxiety when using CBD. These claims are based on personal user experience only and are not yet backed up by science. People believe that because THC can be used to treat such serious medical conditions, that CBD must do the same because it comes from the same plant. This is why it’s often promoted as a legal alternative to cannabis with all of the same benefits.
Are There Side Effects From Using CBD?
Low doses of CBD will not cause significant side effects, however high doses can cause dry mouth, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. It’s important that if you’re using CBD you listen to your body and lower or raise your dose when appropriate. If you’re a first time user always start off with a low dose. Even if you smoke cannabis and are looking to switch over to the legal alternative, still start low.
Can I Use CBD Everyday?
Yes you can; the best way to use CBD is it test it by starting low and increasing your dose as and when you need it. The FSA (Food Standards Agency) recommend to not consume more than 10mg of CBD a day but this is just a recommendation and was brought down from 70mg in 2020. Because CBD is still under researched, no one can give a definitive answer on the maximum safe dose of CBD per day based on science. If you up your dose and start to get any minor side effects, just lower it back down to a dose where you don’t experience any. Side effects can include: dry mouth, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue.
What Is Hemp?
Hemp is the fibre of the cannabis plant that contains less than 0.3% of THC. CBD can be extracted from hemp the same way it can be extracted from the main cannabis plant. It’s also commonly used to make rope, strong fabrics, fireboard and paper. It’s biodegradable and completely natural making it a great eco friendly material.
Can I Use CBD While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding?
It’s best to avoid CBD completely if you are breastfeeding or pregnant because there is so little scientific research on CBD. One animal study has shown that high doses of CBD can harm an unborn baby, and we don’t yet know if CBD can be passed through breastmilk so if you are set on taking CBD please speak to a doctor beforehand.
Is CBD Halal?
CBD is considered to be halal due to it’s natural origins, just make sure that you use CBD isolate rather than broad or full spectrum to ensure that there are no trace amounts of THC present.
Can You Get CBD On Prescription?
There are now specialist doctors in the UK that can prescribe cannabis based medicines including THC and CBD to people for pain relief, mental health conditions, neurological conditions and epilepsy. However if you go to the GP with any of these conditions they may not prescribe a cannabis based medicine as the first resort.
Legalities Of CBD
Is CBD Legal In England?
Yes CBD is completely legal as long as it contains less than 0.2% of THC. All of the CBD products that you’ll find on the vape.co.uk website are legal and you can request lab reports at any time for a detailed breakdown of the ingredients in the product. It can be very easy to purchase CBD with an illegal amount of THC in with repercussions for yourself if you’re caught with this, so make sure to only purchase from reputable sellers.
Is CBD Considered A Drug?
No, as long as it doesn’t contain more than 0.2% THC. Anything above this it will be considered a class B drug because it would contain too much THC which itself is a class B controlled substance.
Is CBD Flower Legal In The UK?
CBD flower is currently illegal in the UK, even if it has less than a 0.2% THC content. It cannot be distinguished from illegal cannabis so there is a risk of prosecution if you are caught with CBD flower.
What Is The Strongest Legal CBD In The UK?
There is no legal limit for CBD strength in the UK. As long as the product has less than 0.2% THC, anything goes. The strongest CBD product we have here at vape.co.uk is the Haze Diamond 15,000mg CBD juice which is made from pure CBD isolate.
Can I Take CBD At Work In The UK?
Yes you can because it won’t impair your judgement or physical capabilities in any way. Just make sure that if you are going to be drug tested that you’re mindful of your consumption of broad or full spectrum CBD, or just stick to CBD isolate which contains 0% THC.
Can I Be Arrested For Using CBD?
As long as the CBD product you are using contains less than 0.2% THC, you won’t be prosecuted for using CBD. Make sure that you buy from reputable sellers to ensure the products you are buying and using are completely legal. We have a huge range of CBD products available and are one of the top CBD distributors in the UK, only stocking the best brands and purchasing our CBD products from reputable sources.
Effects Of CBD On The Body
Can CBD Get You High?
No. CBD is not psychoactive because all of the THC has been removed so you will not feel high. Even if you are using a CBD product that has 0.2% of THC in, the dose is so low that you wouldn’t experience any psychoactive effects.
What Does CBD Feel Like?
Some people claim that they feel mellow, sleepy and relaxed, but this is based on personal user experience and isn’t backed up by science.
Can CBD Give You Heart Palpitations?
THC (the psychoactive part of the cannabis plant that is removed from CBD) has been shown to increase heart rate or cause heart arrhythmia. We haven’t yet studied CBD enough to be able to tell if it does the same to the body so use CBD with caution and stop if you notice any negative side effects.
What Can CBD Do?
CBD may ease symptoms of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, and may help with pain management and other neurological conditions.
IS CBD Addictive?
No. There is no compound in CBD that would make it addictive.
Can You Drive After Using CBD?
Yes you can as long as you are fit to do so. Thanks to CBD not containing any psychoactive ingredients, it won’t impair your driving in any way. If you do start to feel (rare) negative side effects from the CBD such as drowsiness and fatigue then don’t get behind the wheel.
CBD For Medicinal Purposes
Does CBD Really Work For Anxiety?
Some people do claim that while using CBD regularly they notice improvements in their anxiety levels and general mood; whether this is CBD actually working or it’s just a placebo effect we don’t yet know. If you are looking to use CBD to aid with a specific mental health condition, the best thing you can do is just test it out. You’ll find all sorted of varying information online with people claiming that CBD is a miracle drug, and some people claiming it doesn’t work at all, but there just isn’t enough evidence yet to be able to give a definitive answer.
CBD For Pain
The same goes for CBD for pain relief as it does for anxiety and other mental health conditions – we can’t say with scientific backing that it will help, so test it out and if you find that it works then continue to use it. All medicines and drugs that are now used to treat pain were once in the same stages as CBD, with little concrete evidence to provide their efficacy, but that doesn’t mean that they never worked. Lots of people claim that CBD helps dramatically with their pain and helps them to manage it.
CBD For Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is categorised by widespread pain, with fatigue, sleep, and mood issues. People claim that CBD helps with all of those ailments, with the majority of our customers who experience FMS using the high strength Darwin CBD juice to ease symptoms. Of course, we can’t say that it definitely works, so it’s always best to test it out yourself and see if it works for you.
Can CBD Treat Cancer?
The laboratory research done so far into CBD for cancer treatments has received mixed results, with nothing concrete to say that CBD can be used as a treatment for cancer. So the short answer until we know more, is no.
Does CBD Help Sleep?
Some users of CBD claim that it can help them to relax and enter into a deeper sleep than usual. This currently isn’t backed up by solid science so whether it works or not will be down to personal user experience.
Is CBD Good For Arthritis?
CBD has been reported to offer some anti inflammatory benefits and so could be a safe option to use to help ease the symptoms of Arthritis. Of course there isn’t enough research for us to say this will definitely work for you, but if you are looking to test this out you can buy CBD balms than can be applied directly to the affected area for targeted treatment, or go for a tasty option such as CBD gummies.
Drug Tests When Using CBD
Does CBD Show Up On A Drug Test?
In some rare instances, broad spectrum and full spectrum may cause some amount of THC so show up on a drug test. Although there is only 0.2% or less THC in these types of CBD, if enough is consumed it can cause a positive drug test. We don’t know how much would have to be taken for it to show up as positive, so if you are in an environment where you need a negative drug test just use CBD isolate which has 0% THC in it.
Will I Pass A Drug Swab Test Using CBD?
If enough THC accumulates in the body when using broad or full spectrum CBD with 0.2% THC or less, then a drug swab test may show a positive result. This is rare but isn’t something that is completely unheard of. CBD isolate is a completely safe option thanks to the 0% of THC content.
Will I Pass A Urine Drug Test Using CBD?
As with the 2 above answers, there is a chance that you will have a positive drug test if you’re using broad or full spectrum CBD. This can be a risk especially if you aren’t purchase your CBD products from a reputable seller and there is higher than permitted levels of THC within that product. Just stick to CBD isolate if you are going to have to give a sample for a drug test, and always make sure to purchase your CBD from a trusted seller.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?
This depends on how much you’ve been taking and for how long. One small to average dose of CBD can stay in your system for up to 2 days, regular use of CBD over the course of a few months can stay in your system for up to 25 days, and smoking or vaping CBD once can stay in the system for up to 7 days. It will also depend on you, how quickly your body breaks down CBD, and your body weight.
Using CBD
Where Can I Get Safe CBD?
Here at Vape.co.uk we only sell the top CBD brands on the market, all of which are completely compliant with all regulations, are safe to use, and have less than 0.2% of THC in. You can shop our full range of CBD products here.
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD oil is an oil that contains a mix of CBD and a carrier oil – either coconut oil or hemp seed oil. It’s preferred by a lot of people because it can be applied topically, taken orally, and mixed into food and drinks. It’s one of the most versatile forms of CBD to use and is quickly absorbed when used under the tongue (sublingually).
What’s The Best Way To Take CBD?
This depends on what you want to use the CBD for. If you want to test it for general pain relief, relaxation or a mental health issue, vaping CBD or taking CBD via gummies will be the best way. If you’re using it for targeted pain relief and you’d like to apply this topically, a balm or oil would be best.
Best Way To Take CBD For Pain?
If the pain you want to treat is all over, vaping or taking CBD gummies would be the best way. If the pain is in one area or in a joint, then apply this topically via a balm or oil.
How Long Does CBD Take To Work?
If you take CBD under the tongue via an oil, you can expect this to start working in around 15 minutes. If you’re taking CBD gummies then this will get to work in under 2 hours. Vaping CBD will take up to 20 minutes to work.
Can You Overdose On CBD?
There isn’t any evidence to suggest that a large amount of CBD will cause an overdose; it’s generally well tolerated and non toxic. At most you may feel some mild side effects such as dry mouth, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue if you do take too much, but this won’t cause any serious illness.
How Much CBD Should A Beginner Start With?
Always start low and gradually increase your CBD as you feel you need to. The Orange County 400mg gummies are a great place to start because the gummies only individually contain 16mg-20mg of CBD depending on the variation you go for. If you’d prefer to vape your CBD, the Herbalist CBD juice contains 1500mg of CBD in the whole bottle which is considered a low to medium strength.
The 3 Types Of CBD
What Is Full Spectrum CBD?
Full spectrum CBD is a type of CBD that contains all of the variety of cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. It includes trace amounts of THC (under 0.2%) so will not cause any kind of psychoactive effects as with all other types of CBD. It also contains additional plant compounds called flavonoids and terpenes which are compounds that provide unique scents and flavours.
What Is Broad Spectrum CBD?
Broad spectrum CBD contains almost every compound found in the cannabis plant. There is THC in broad spectrum CBD but only in trace amounts (under 0.2%) so you won’t feel any kind of high or other psychoactive effects when you use broad spectrum.
What Is CBD Isolate?
CBD isolate contains pure CBD with a purity of 98% or above and does not contain any THC even in trace amounts. It’s the purest and simplest form of CBD.
We’ll there you have it, everything that we do and don’t know about CBD. The most important takeaway from this blog post is that because CBD is currently still so under researched, you have to use your own judgement to decide if CBD is right for you. If you do have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us via the blue live chat button in the bottom right hand corner to speak to a human between 8AM and 8PM Monday to Sunday. Outside of these hours you can leave us an offline message or send us an email to helpers@vape.co.uk.
Full Guide To CBD & FAQ
CBD was first isolated from the cannabis plant in 1940 by an American chemist named Roger Adam but was quickly disregarded because it didn’t have the same psychoactive effects that THC has. As the years have passed and CBD has made it into the mainstream as a completely legal alternative for cannabis, people have started to recognise the potential health benefits when taking CBD. This led to a huge boom in the interest for CBD with the market growing from £300 million in 2019 to £700 million in 2021. It’s projected that by this year CBD will surpass £1 billion in market value.
When it comes to the science and the evidence, there’s still a lot we don’t know due to CBD being under researched. We have shared everything that we do know below, and if you have any further questions please get in touch with us via the live chat in the bottom right hand corner or email us at helpers@vape.co.uk.
CBD Frequently asked Questions
What Is CBD?
CBD – or Cannabidiol – is a compound found in and derived from the cannabis plant. It’s one of 113 identified cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, along with THC. All of the THC has been removed from CBD (almost completely depending on the type of CBD) so you won’t feel any kind of high. Broad spectrum and full spectrum CBD will contain 0.2% THC or less, and CBD isolate will contain 0% THC.
THC has been proven as a treatment for epilepsy and is used for lots of other medical conditions, however there is insufficient evidence to say that CBD is effective for the same, or other conditions.
What Does CBD Stand For?
What Does CBD Do?
Many personal users of CBD claim they feel relief from pain and from mental health issues such as anxiety when using CBD. These claims are based on personal user experience only and are not yet backed up by science. People believe that because THC can be used to treat such serious medical conditions, that CBD must do the same because it comes from the same plant. This is why it’s often promoted as a legal alternative to cannabis with all of the same benefits.
Are There Side Effects From Using CBD?
Low doses of CBD will not cause significant side effects, however high doses can cause dry mouth, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. It’s important that if you’re using CBD you listen to your body and lower or raise your dose when appropriate. If you’re a first time user always start off with a low dose. Even if you smoke cannabis and are looking to switch over to the legal alternative, still start low.
Can I Use CBD Everyday?
Yes you can; the best way to use CBD is it test it by starting low and increasing your dose as and when you need it. The FSA (Food Standards Agency) recommend to not consume more than 10mg of CBD a day but this is just a recommendation and was brought down from 70mg in 2020. Because CBD is still under researched, no one can give a definitive answer on the maximum safe dose of CBD per day based on science. If you up your dose and start to get any minor side effects, just lower it back down to a dose where you don’t experience any. Side effects can include: dry mouth, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue.
What Is Hemp?
Hemp is the fibre of the cannabis plant that contains less than 0.3% of THC. CBD can be extracted from hemp the same way it can be extracted from the main cannabis plant. It’s also commonly used to make rope, strong fabrics, fireboard and paper. It’s biodegradable and completely natural making it a great eco friendly material.
Can I Use CBD While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding?
It’s best to avoid CBD completely if you are breastfeeding or pregnant because there is so little scientific research on CBD. One animal study has shown that high doses of CBD can harm an unborn baby, and we don’t yet know if CBD can be passed through breastmilk so if you are set on taking CBD please speak to a doctor beforehand.
Is CBD Halal?
CBD is considered to be halal due to it’s natural origins, just make sure that you use CBD isolate rather than broad or full spectrum to ensure that there are no trace amounts of THC present.
Can You Get CBD On Prescription?
There are now specialist doctors in the UK that can prescribe cannabis based medicines including THC and CBD to people for pain relief, mental health conditions, neurological conditions and epilepsy. However if you go to the GP with any of these conditions they may not prescribe a cannabis based medicine as the first resort.
Legalities Of CBD
Is CBD Legal In England?
Yes CBD is completely legal as long as it contains less than 0.2% of THC. All of the CBD products that you’ll find on the vape.co.uk website are legal and you can request lab reports at any time for a detailed breakdown of the ingredients in the product. It can be very easy to purchase CBD with an illegal amount of THC in with repercussions for yourself if you’re caught with this, so make sure to only purchase from reputable sellers.
Is CBD Considered A Drug?
No, as long as it doesn’t contain more than 0.2% THC. Anything above this it will be considered a class B drug because it would contain too much THC which itself is a class B controlled substance.
Is CBD Flower Legal In The UK?
CBD flower is currently illegal in the UK, even if it has less than a 0.2% THC content. It cannot be distinguished from illegal cannabis so there is a risk of prosecution if you are caught with CBD flower.
What Is The Strongest Legal CBD In The UK?
There is no legal limit for CBD strength in the UK. As long as the product has less than 0.2% THC, anything goes. The strongest CBD product we have here at vape.co.uk is the Haze Diamond 15,000mg CBD juice which is made from pure CBD isolate.
Can I Take CBD At Work In The UK?
Yes you can because it won’t impair your judgement or physical capabilities in any way. Just make sure that if you are going to be drug tested that you’re mindful of your consumption of broad or full spectrum CBD, or just stick to CBD isolate which contains 0% THC.
Can I Be Arrested For Using CBD?
As long as the CBD product you are using contains less than 0.2% THC, you won’t be prosecuted for using CBD. Make sure that you buy from reputable sellers to ensure the products you are buying and using are completely legal. We have a huge range of CBD products available and are one of the top CBD distributors in the UK, only stocking the best brands and purchasing our CBD products from reputable sources.
Effects Of CBD On The Body
Can CBD Get You High?
No. CBD is not psychoactive because all of the THC has been removed so you will not feel high. Even if you are using a CBD product that has 0.2% of THC in, the dose is so low that you wouldn’t experience any psychoactive effects.
What Does CBD Feel Like?
Some people claim that they feel mellow, sleepy and relaxed, but this is based on personal user experience and isn’t backed up by science.
Can CBD Give You Heart Palpitations?
THC (the psychoactive part of the cannabis plant that is removed from CBD) has been shown to increase heart rate or cause heart arrhythmia. We haven’t yet studied CBD enough to be able to tell if it does the same to the body so use CBD with caution and stop if you notice any negative side effects.
What Can CBD Do?
CBD may ease symptoms of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, and may help with pain management and other neurological conditions.
IS CBD Addictive?
No. There is no compound in CBD that would make it addictive.
Can You Drive After Using CBD?
Yes you can as long as you are fit to do so. Thanks to CBD not containing any psychoactive ingredients, it won’t impair your driving in any way. If you do start to feel (rare) negative side effects from the CBD such as drowsiness and fatigue then don’t get behind the wheel.
CBD For Medicinal Purposes
Does CBD Really Work For Anxiety?
Some people do claim that while using CBD regularly they notice improvements in their anxiety levels and general mood; whether this is CBD actually working or it’s just a placebo effect we don’t yet know. If you are looking to use CBD to aid with a specific mental health condition, the best thing you can do is just test it out. You’ll find all sorted of varying information online with people claiming that CBD is a miracle drug, and some people claiming it doesn’t work at all, but there just isn’t enough evidence yet to be able to give a definitive answer.
CBD For Pain
The same goes for CBD for pain relief as it does for anxiety and other mental health conditions – we can’t say with scientific backing that it will help, so test it out and if you find that it works then continue to use it. All medicines and drugs that are now used to treat pain were once in the same stages as CBD, with little concrete evidence to provide their efficacy, but that doesn’t mean that they never worked. Lots of people claim that CBD helps dramatically with their pain and helps them to manage it.
CBD For Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is categorised by widespread pain, with fatigue, sleep, and mood issues. People claim that CBD helps with all of those ailments, with the majority of our customers who experience FMS using the high strength Darwin CBD juice to ease symptoms. Of course, we can’t say that it definitely works, so it’s always best to test it out yourself and see if it works for you.
Can CBD Treat Cancer?
The laboratory research done so far into CBD for cancer treatments has received mixed results, with nothing concrete to say that CBD can be used as a treatment for cancer. So the short answer until we know more, is no.
Does CBD Help Sleep?
Some users of CBD claim that it can help them to relax and enter into a deeper sleep than usual. This currently isn’t backed up by solid science so whether it works or not will be down to personal user experience.
Is CBD Good For Arthritis?
CBD has been reported to offer some anti inflammatory benefits and so could be a safe option to use to help ease the symptoms of Arthritis. Of course there isn’t enough research for us to say this will definitely work for you, but if you are looking to test this out you can buy CBD balms than can be applied directly to the affected area for targeted treatment, or go for a tasty option such as CBD gummies.
Drug Tests When Using CBD
Does CBD Show Up On A Drug Test?
In some rare instances, broad spectrum and full spectrum may cause some amount of THC so show up on a drug test. Although there is only 0.2% or less THC in these types of CBD, if enough is consumed it can cause a positive drug test. We don’t know how much would have to be taken for it to show up as positive, so if you are in an environment where you need a negative drug test just use CBD isolate which has 0% THC in it.
Will I Pass A Drug Swab Test Using CBD?
If enough THC accumulates in the body when using broad or full spectrum CBD with 0.2% THC or less, then a drug swab test may show a positive result. This is rare but isn’t something that is completely unheard of. CBD isolate is a completely safe option thanks to the 0% of THC content.
Will I Pass A Urine Drug Test Using CBD?
As with the 2 above answers, there is a chance that you will have a positive drug test if you’re using broad or full spectrum CBD. This can be a risk especially if you aren’t purchase your CBD products from a reputable seller and there is higher than permitted levels of THC within that product. Just stick to CBD isolate if you are going to have to give a sample for a drug test, and always make sure to purchase your CBD from a trusted seller.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?
This depends on how much you’ve been taking and for how long. One small to average dose of CBD can stay in your system for up to 2 days, regular use of CBD over the course of a few months can stay in your system for up to 25 days, and smoking or vaping CBD once can stay in the system for up to 7 days. It will also depend on you, how quickly your body breaks down CBD, and your body weight.
Using CBD
Where Can I Get Safe CBD?
Here at Vape.co.uk we only sell the top CBD brands on the market, all of which are completely compliant with all regulations, are safe to use, and have less than 0.2% of THC in. You can shop our full range of CBD products here.
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD oil is an oil that contains a mix of CBD and a carrier oil – either coconut oil or hemp seed oil. It’s preferred by a lot of people because it can be applied topically, taken orally, and mixed into food and drinks. It’s one of the most versatile forms of CBD to use and is quickly absorbed when used under the tongue (sublingually).
What’s The Best Way To Take CBD?
This depends on what you want to use the CBD for. If you want to test it for general pain relief, relaxation or a mental health issue, vaping CBD or taking CBD via gummies will be the best way. If you’re using it for targeted pain relief and you’d like to apply this topically, a balm or oil would be best.
Best Way To Take CBD For Pain?
If the pain you want to treat is all over, vaping or taking CBD gummies would be the best way. If the pain is in one area or in a joint, then apply this topically via a balm or oil.
How Long Does CBD Take To Work?
If you take CBD under the tongue via an oil, you can expect this to start working in around 15 minutes. If you’re taking CBD gummies then this will get to work in under 2 hours. Vaping CBD will take up to 20 minutes to work.
Can You Overdose On CBD?
There isn’t any evidence to suggest that a large amount of CBD will cause an overdose; it’s generally well tolerated and non toxic. At most you may feel some mild side effects such as dry mouth, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue if you do take too much, but this won’t cause any serious illness.
How Much CBD Should A Beginner Start With?
Always start low and gradually increase your CBD as you feel you need to. The Orange County 400mg gummies are a great place to start because the gummies only individually contain 16mg-20mg of CBD depending on the variation you go for. If you’d prefer to vape your CBD, the Herbalist CBD juice contains 1500mg of CBD in the whole bottle which is considered a low to medium strength.
The 3 Types Of CBD
What Is Full Spectrum CBD?
Full spectrum CBD is a type of CBD that contains all of the variety of cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. It includes trace amounts of THC (under 0.2%) so will not cause any kind of psychoactive effects as with all other types of CBD. It also contains additional plant compounds called flavonoids and terpenes which are compounds that provide unique scents and flavours.
What Is Broad Spectrum CBD?
Broad spectrum CBD contains almost every compound found in the cannabis plant. There is THC in broad spectrum CBD but only in trace amounts (under 0.2%) so you won’t feel any kind of high or other psychoactive effects when you use broad spectrum.
What Is CBD Isolate?
CBD isolate contains pure CBD with a purity of 98% or above and does not contain any THC even in trace amounts. It’s the purest and simplest form of CBD.
We’ll there you have it, everything that we do and don’t know about CBD. The most important takeaway from this blog post is that because CBD is currently still so under researched, you have to use your own judgement to decide if CBD is right for you. If you do have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us via the blue live chat button in the bottom right hand corner to speak to a human between 8AM and 8PM Monday to Sunday. Outside of these hours you can leave us an offline message or send us an email to helpers@vape.co.uk.