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Killa Nicotine Pouches

The Killa nicotine pouches are available in a wide range of juicy and fruity flavours, with low to moderate nicotine levels perfect for beginners and low nicotine users. The Killa pouches are small and discreet and are perfect for on the go, travelling, and anywhere that you can’t reach for a vape or a cigarette.

These pouches are a vapour-free, tobacco free nicotine substitute that are perfect for a discreet nicotine intake. Simply place the pouch between the lip and gum and allow the nicotine to be absorbed into the body.

Our Killa pouches are available on a 3 for £9.99 multibuy offer with free next day shipping on all orders over £20 and 7 days a week dispatch. Any questions? Get in touch with us via the live chat button in the bottom right hand corner for support from a human 7 days a week 8AM-8PM.

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