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  • Can psychology explain smoking and how vaping can help you quit?

    Often when thinking about smoking, people consider the physical impact. This may include the nausea and headaches triggered by nicotine withdrawal. Alternatively, the boost in energy or decreased chance of heart attacks caused by quitting smoking may come to mind. But have you considered the importance of psychology, and how the brain reinforces smoking? How …

  • why is vaping cbd so popular? cbd diposable vape kits

    Why is CBD becoming so popular? What are the benefits?

    The buzz around CBD and it’s growing list of proposed benefits is difficult to miss. From pain relief to decreasing anxiety levels, it is unsurprising that people are following the trend to solve their own health concerns. But what actually is CBD? What is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many compounds found within …

  • how do i decide which pg . vg ratio is best for me

    What VG/PG Ratio Should I Use?

    It’s a question we get asked a lot, and it’s not something you’d really know as a beginner vaper, so we thought we’d shed some light for you. First things first, let’s get an understanding of what VG and PG actually is. What is VG? VG stands for vegetable glycerin or vegetable glycerol. It is …

  • Vaping on Instagram

    Social Media and Vaping

    If you vape, there is a possibility you’ve posted a magical photo with a big cloud of smoke on Instagram, showed off your cloud production skills by blowing circles at your friends or bragged what a nice taste of e-liquid you bought recently. Vaping originally started as a method of social interaction and was first …

  • Get support to help you quit | #QuitForCovid |

    COVID-19 and the Impact on Smoking

    How did COVID-19 Impact Smokers’ Behaviour? The new Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of chaos in almost every aspect of our lives. It’s safe to say that this event has changed everyone’s perception of what’s important in life and how to define our priorities. Across the globe, people have started to pay more attention …

  • Recycle E-liquids Eco Friendly

    How to be a sustainable vaper? Can vaping be eco-friendly?

    Even as the smoking rate has gone down, cigarette butts seem to be everywhere – sidewalks, roadsides, beaches, waterways—virtually everywhere we go. As vapers, we’re not contributing towards cigarette butts. Did you know that trillions of cigarette butts are thrown into the environment every year, where they leach nicotine and heavy metals before turning into microplastic …

  • How can vaping help students quit smoking? | Article Preview |

    Smoking Culture within University and how Vaping can Help Students Quit

    Smoking culture and behaviour amongst students: Smoking amongst students is not a taboo subject anymore. While the cigarette smoking trend has been slowly but steadily decreasing over the past few years (see fig. 1), it is a very well-known fact that smoking is still quite popular among teenagers and young adults. Most of them have …

  • The menthol cigarette ban, the future of smoking and vaping blog

    How the Menthol Cigarette Ban will effect the future of Smoking & Vaping

        Menthol cigs are banned, you can’t get them anywhere, you have the urge to feel this menthol taste…and now what? According to the UKVIA, the menthol cigarette ban that came into force on 20th of May is predicted to lead to a spike in adult smokers switching over to significantly less-harmful vaping equivalents, …

  • nic salts help, what are nic salts?

    What are Nic Salts?

    What are Nic Salts? Now unless you’ve been living under a vaping rock for the last couple of years, or of course you’re completely new to vaping, you would have heard of Nic Salts. They seem to be a craze that have really taken off in the vaping world, especially in the last couple of …

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