There is currently no empirical evidence that vaping or the use of e-cigarettes causes ‘Popcorn Lung’. Defining Popcorn Lung Popcorn Lung is a slang term for a condition called ‘bronchiolitis obliterans’. The lung disease affects your smallest airways, making you cough and short of breath. Your lungs hold all of the air that you inhale, …
Does Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?
How and Why I Started Vaping
Hey guys, I’m Braedon (strange name I know, but bear with), and I proudly work for as a website developer and as a marketing assistant. I’m proud to be helping this company grow in anyway I can to help more and more people quit smoking and get great deals on vape products in the …
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Why Who we are and why we exist.
So hopefully you’re reading this because you want to know more about, so we’re here to tell you all. was founded in 2019 with one mission, to offer a simple and reliable alternative to quitting smoking. We believe so much in this, we’ll repeat it ‘to offer a simple and reliable alternative to …